Personalizing products takes gift giving to the next level. Select from our font, color, and embroidery options to wow your recipient with a gift or product personalized specifically for them.
To personalize your gift, please follow these simple steps:
1. Select your product and the correct size/color you'd like to purchase. Select the Personalize This button. If there is no Personalize This button on the page, it is possible the item cannot be personalized, but please email or chat with us to ensure whether a product can be personalized.
2. Click Personalize This and personalization options will populate.
3. Type the Text that you would like to have personalized. You will see a preview that is similar to what the final product will look like.
3. Select your font choice from the options listed. These are some of the font options available.

4. Select the color you would like the monogram, name or initial to be. If you are unsure, select Best Match and our Gift Guru will match the best color to your gift.
5. Add to cart, complete your purchase and wait for the magic to begin.
Please keep in mind that due to the specific nature of personalized items, they are final sale.
Happy shopping! Confetti Shoppe magic is heading your way!